When I was in secondary school, students were always the ones in charge of the morning assembly. Two students from a class would be called out to give a speech after they must have practiced ahead. This was done every week. One day, I participated in the assembly speech in which my partner and I spoke about the topic: ’It is never too late’.
During that time, examination was just a few weeks away. I was able to tell those students that no matter how poor their results might have been during the CA test or in the past, it was never too late to put in the best for their final examination.
After the speech presentation, the word, ‘’it is never too late’’ became common among many of my classmates and I. It even become a slogan.
Now, out of the twelve months in the year, seven months are gone already. It remains five months for this year to take a bow. Let’s ask ourselves these questions.
What was I able to achieve this year?
Have I been able to live up to my goals or all I do is keep on gathering excuses?
When this year finally ends, how many people would I have inspired?
These are the questions and many more that we should ask ourselves. Time waits for no man. Let’s do what we can today because time waits for no man. I heard something some times back that as one lives day by day, one approaches his grave. Before we know it, we will be saying Happy New Year again. Don’t let us waste time doing things that are not necessary because time is life. If you spend your time on things that are not valuable, you are definitely wasting your life.
If you are there and you are wallowing in self pity already because you know how much time you have wasted. This article is then for you, read on.
No matter how much time you think you have wasted, you can still start all over again. You maybe thinking that seven months have been wasted, what then do you want to spend the remaining five months doing? There is a lot that you can do in the next five months. Remember that the bible says, the latter days shall be greater than the former’. It is not about how you started that matters but what you are doing right now and how you decide to finish. You can do more than you can imagine if you are determined and consistent.
Also, don’t leave God behind. He is the owner of time and your live, He can restore unto you whatever time you might have lost. Never allow Devil to cheat or deceive you by reminding you of how much time you have lost. Rebuke him and he will flee away from you. In as much as there is still life in you, you still have hope and a brighter future.
You haven’t invested in your prayer life?
You neglected your personal growth and development by not taking up educating courses, watching inspiring videos and many more?
Your life has been full of regret and self -pity?
I want to let you know that, it is never too late to retrace your step and start all over again.
I hope that we all have been blessed by this short piece. Enjoy the remaining weeks in this Awemazing August and the blissful months ahead of you.
Kindly leave a comment. Thank you
May God help us…
More Grace dear
Amen dear. Thanks for stopping by.
A call to remember it is never too late when we feel like it already is.. Thanks ma’am
Yes sis..thanks for stopping by
Thanks for this encouraging words sis
God bless you
Amen sis. Thanks for stopping by.
Yes o
It is never too late🤔🤔🤔
This is wonderful and inspiring dear
I have been able to pick up lots of lessons from this piece
God bless u 🙏
Glory be to God dearie.
Amen !
Thanks for this write up.
God help me make the best use of my time .In Jesus name Amen. God bless you Sister💟💟💟
Amen dearie.
Thanks for stopping by.😍😍