I am not an athlete neither am I good at sporting activities. But I literally love to watch those that can run and I quite appreciate them – you can call me a spectator when it comes to sporting activities.
Whenever my secondary school held an inter-school competition, I would always watch the runners with deep excitement. The sound of, ‘’On your mark, set, Go’’ always gave me goose bumps. Whenever those athlete run, there was one thing that I do observe about them. Immediately they get to the field and they start the match, they wouldn’t look back until they reach the finishing line. Unfortunately, most of those that look back, end up losing the race.
In this world that we are in, we are in a race. We started our life race the first day we were given birth to. Just like we have sporting race, we also have life race. As Christians, there are lots of challenges that we will face, there are battles to fight and win, there are mountains to climb, there are dreams and goals to pursue, there are temptations to overcome. But the Word of God gives us the confidence that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
No matter the difficult situation life offers us, let us remember that we are on the race, it’s either we win or lose. Our race only stops when we die. After death, our race on this world would be evaluated. Are we then going to get our crown or lose it?
In the Bible, Paul wrote that; I count myself not to have apprehended, one thing I do is to forget the past… in our life race, let’s try to forget the past, don’t let us look back because we might end up losing the game. Let’s focus on where we are going to- that is our goal. Let’s focus on heaven.
There are certain things that can make us lose focus in our life race. They include failure, discouragement, inadequacies, fear, sin and so on. No matter what that thing is, let’s remember the purpose of our race- our existence. Let’s remember the beautiful plans and promises of God for our lives. Let’s remember the crown that awaits us on the last day if can but fight and win this race. Lets continue to run so that at the end of our race, we will be able to say that, ‘’I have fought the good fight of faith, I have finished my course and their awaits me my crown just like Paul said.
‘’This Crown’’ is for as many of us that are willing to continue running without look back. It is for those people that do not give up, they are focused and determined. The Word of God says that the race is not to the strong and swift. No matter how bad our lives may be, we can start this journey of faith. Let our focus be on God, who is our greatest goal keeper. Looking sideways are distractions that might make us to lose our track.
May God help us all to win this spiritual race. May we not lose focus in Jesus name. Amen!
I hope that we have learnt one or two things from this story. Kindly leave your views in the comment box. I will be very pleased to hear from you.
Once again, leave your views in the comment box.
Thanks for reading.
Thank you sis
The race indeed is not for the swift nor the strong but he who endures until the end.
Thanks for the enlightenment
More grace
Keep burning for Christ and keep sharing his words 🔥
Your reward is great ma
Thanks for stopping by darling
much love😘😘😘
The RACE….
For those that have their ONLY GAZE ON GOD.
So true dear, athletes don’t look back, they are always FOCUSED on the FINISH LINE, giving in their best…
Help me to continually SEEK YOU…
Hmmm this is a great reminder sweetheart.
Thanks for allowing God dear🙇♀️More of His revelation and wisdom Mahal❤
Thanks for stopping by sis
God bless you.
I was indeed blessed 🙇.
Thanks so much for that dear.
May we never lose our focus🙏
Amen dear
Thanks for stopping by