Written by: Eunice Iseoluwa Oyekunle
At the beginning of this year, I know that most of us had a list of goals that we wanted to achieve. Some of those goals may include: learning a skill, having high grades, setting up a YouTube channel, a blog and so on but due to some reasons, we have not been able to meet the standard. Due to this, we feel so depressed and sad as if the world is crumbling.
The question I want to ask is, while setting those goals, did you carry God along? It sounds weird right? Don’t let us forget the Bible says that, “Commit your ways to the Lord and He will bring it to pass.”
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and never lean on your own understanding”
Earlier this week, I was so worried because I did not meet up to one of my goals. As I was lost in worry, those little things that I took for granted started making a lot of sense to me. I had to pick up myself and rise again, learning from my mistakes.
It’s okay to feel sad when you realize that you did not meet up to your expectation but you can still pick yourself up because there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Also, the fall of a man is not his end. That you didn’t achieve your goal is not the end of the world. It’s the opportunity to learn, re-learn, unlearn and move on.
It’s a new month already, what are the new goals that you have set or the ones that you are about to set? Never forget to carry God along because going about our daily activities without God will lead to a very huge failure regardless of the effort we put into it. Always put God first and you will find Him in all that you lay your hands upon to do.
May God help us all in Jesus name
Amen and amen
May God help us not to lean on our own understanding 🙏
Amen! Thanks for sharing this sis.
Putting God first😊
Carrying God along🙇♀️
Involving Him in all we do.
When things don’t work out as planned, we should pickup the lessons; learn, unlearn and relearn and MOVE ON👌💯
God bless you richly for this Mahal❤
Carry God along💡
Not leaning on our own understanding💡
Thank you for this piece Eunice👏💓