I know of a king

Whose name rings loudly

All over the world

A man without swords

Yet fought and won

Great battles.


He had a special place

In the sacred heart of God

He obeyed and loved Him

But he despised his word

The powerful letters of the bible.


The man, called David

He did the incredible- murder

Oh! how great a sin!


God was so sad

He sent His prophet, Nat

To convict him of his sins


Nat delivered the news

David was sad

He wept and wept

Shame swept all over him

He was so stiff

He couldn’t eat


He didn’t just cry

He rent his clothes

In panic, he went to God

God was awed by his broken heart

And He forgave him.



God cherishes and loves a broken heart.


Have you sinned against God? Don’t continue in your sin, go back to Him in all sincerity of heart. Go to Him with a broken and contrite heart. There is power in brokenness. Our prayer today should be: Lord, break me. Only a broken heart can please the Lord. 


I hope that we were blessed by this short piece. Kindly leave your views in the comment box.


Thank you.





13 Replies to “BROKEN”

  1. Our God is a loving Father. He doesn’t hate us, he hates the sins committed. He loved us even while we were yet sinners. Thanks for this Sis.

    1. To this man will I look: even to him that is poor and of a contrite SPIRIT, and TREMBLES AT MY WORD!

  2. Only a broken heart can please the Lord.🙇‍♀️

    The state of BROKENNESS
    Approaching the throne of grace in all sincerity🙇‍♀️
    His arms are widely spread to receive us at all time.
    Thanks for this reminder darling💖
    You are lifted🙇‍♀️

  3. This is last lifting
    Millions are wallowing in sin not because the really want to but some don’t know how to stop while others are ashame of going to God

    Thanks namie for this piece

  4. Hmmm
    God is ever ready to embrace whoever comes to him and ask for forgiveness
    David was broken before God and God had compassion and mercy Upon him
    I love this piece dear
    Nice One
    Keep it up my darling 🤗👏👏

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