It was dawn already. The cocks crowed. The wind blew. The cold that engulfed around me waxed strong. I could smell dust and hear the cracking sound of leaves.



It was harmattan season!



I woke to see my laptop beside me and remembered what had happened the night before. I wept bitterly. Hot tears cascaded down my face.



‘’But God, why? You said that you loved me and that you have forgiven me of all my sins.’’



‘’You told me that I am now a new creation.’’



‘’Its been two years and six months since I said yes to you.’’



“Why am I still caught up in the web of addiction?’’



I pondered on all my questions as I had no answer to it.


‘’Daughter, the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing’’. The still small voice said



‘’But God, what should I do? The flesh seems bigger than I’’.



‘’No, it isn’t my daughter. Your flesh has been nailed to the cross several years ago, it has no power over you again’’. The still small voice whispered again.



‘’But why do I still find myself in this mess, father?’’



‘My daughter, draw near to me and I will draw near unto you. ‘’



‘’How Lord? I fast and pray twice a week. I am almost through with reading the whole bible’’.



‘’But you don’t still know me. You do not believe that I have saved you. And that is why you keep watching pornography.’’



‘’You still believe that because you pray, fast and study the bible, you will stop watching those demonic video. But, that is not true. You need to rely on me. You need my help. Without me you can do nothing’’



‘’Hmmmm’’ I exclaimed



‘’The Devil is in a constant struggle with believers like you. He has come to steal, kill and destroy. He is a roaring Lion looking for whom to devour.’’



‘’You must be gentle as the dove and wise as the serpent if you really want to overcome your flesh’’



‘’Thank you holy Spirit. I now realize my faults. I have been relying on my efforts. I have been taking some precautions so as not to fall. But, I have failed.’’



‘’I need you more than ever before Lord.’’



‘’ Come unto me, all ye that are labour and heavy laden and I will give you rest’’



‘’Yes lord! I need rest from all my struggles. I surrender all to you. Help me to stop watching pornography Lord. I need your sustaining grace to be sufficient in my life’’



‘’Save me from addictions, Lord!’’




‘’I want to know you more, father!’’ I screamed.



Sweats had gathered round my face, my eyes were moist and watery. I felt peace within and without me. I started to delete all the bad movies I had on my laptop.



I felt so light and happy as I did.




Songs of praises started to fill my mouth.



‘’Jesus set me free, I shall not be bound.

Jesus set me free, I shall not be bound

Jesus set me free, I shall not be bound

I shall not be bound’’



‘’There is not a friend like the lowly Jesus

No, not one, no not one.

Jesus knows all my tears and stuggles’’

He will guide till the day is dawn’’

There is no a friend like the lowly Jesus

No, not one, no not one.’’


I raised up my head as I saw mum and dad beside me.


I wasn’t conscious of their presence.


I was so happy to see them. I never knew that they had been singing with me all along.


It’s indeed a great blessing to know and serve God together as a family!



I hope you were greatly inspired by this short piece!


Kindly drop your views and lessons in the comment box.


God bless you.



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